Powder Coat vs Liquid Paints
April 5, 2020
Black Rhino Wheels – Made for the Truck Lover
September 27, 2020
Powder coat is extremely durable, weather resistant and hydrophobic (water repellant) however proper care will ensure your coating will last for years to come. While powder coatings are relatively maintenance free, here are some tips to keep your coating looking beautiful and things to avoid that will damage it:
Brake cleaner is safe to use for stubborn grease marks. Yes that’s right, brake clean will dissolve any stubborn grease/dirt/oil and not harm the coating. It also evaporates quickly making it very easy to use, non-mess, and non-polluting and it can be easily found at your local Canadian Tire. We recommend spraying a small amount on a clean cloth and wiping gently, or for larger areas you may spray directly on the part using the direct stream spray nozzle setting and watch as the dirt falls off. Finish with some soap & water.
For dust clean with soap & water. In our experience mild soap (I.e. dish soap) with warm water is enough to clean the surface of minor dirt, dust without damaging the coating. Add some foaming soap to water, and using a sponge or cloth lather onto your product and gently scrub. For tougher jobs, use brake cleaner.
For fingerprints, use a damp clean cotton or microfibre cloth. Using gentle circular motions, a clean damp cloth will get rid of fingerprints. You can also use brake clean if you have it but water will also work.
Don’t use a chemical rim cleaner. That’s right, if you have brake clean lying around, it is a much safer alternative and works spendidly. Chemical cleaners can be effective however more often than not, if left on for mere seconds too long it will cause the coating to fade and leave streaks that cannot be removed. If you insist on using them, please read and follow the instructions carefully, or purchase cleaners that are powder coat safe. Ask your powder coater what their policy is on chemical damage. Most warranties will not cover this type of damage. Also let anyone else who handles the washing of your vehicle know, I.e. dealerships. Trust us, we’ve seen it happen.
If you need to use a pressure washer, spray from at least a 6 ft distance. Powder coat will withstand a pressure washer however prolonged and close contact use is not ideal.
Wintertime use will decrease the lifespan of your coating. Powder coating will protect your steel or aluminum wheels from rust and corrosion for winter use however the exposure to salt, prolonged moisture (snow & rain) will lessen the lifespan of your coating. We recommend owning a set of rims just for winter use and a set for summertime use. This way your favourite wheels will stay beautiful longer.